
Brought up in a family where sensibility to art is omnipresent, Christine Guillemin initially started expressing her creativity in the world of advertising and communication, a career she pursued for 15 years.

Although established in her field, she took upon a unique path in which she was fully able to give life and form to matter. It was with Sculpture as mean of expression and influences from the works of Giacometti that her career in the Arts began. Animals are also placed at the forefront and represent an important part of the works of art. A very personal approach of the wild allying power and poetry.

Christine Guillemin launched a first series of works at the “Villa d’Alésia” in Paris and learned from artist Jonathan Hirschsfeld whom she met in 1993. Through gathered experience, sculptures took form within the spontaneity of gesture; emotions, freely and with elegance and an intimate approach.